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Journey from “I” to “We” | Eight Steps in‘Self’ to ‘Organization :

Course Code : 91JIWSO02MCL

Introduction :

Businesses, whether large or small, are starting to recognize the importance of empowering their staff in order to bring about better results. In today’s target driven world, the results that your business gets can make or break you and the future you have planned. The development of the person and the team is so important in business today that those companies (there are still a lot around), which don’t empower their staff will eventually start to see cracks appearing. This entire set of Eight Steps focus on the principle mentioned below :

An organization is made of teams, while a team is made up of individuals.
Development of individuals is therefore imperative.

Timeline :

  • Total 10 interventions
  • 8 facilitations + 2 follow-ups [each of 0.5 day]

Sessions :

  • 1. World of preferences – How am I?
  • 2. Trust on self! – Love yourself!
  • 3. Discipline for self! – Grow yourself!
  • 4. Relentless Improvement! – like Jonathon Seagull
  • 5. Mindfulness – being @ now!
  • 6. Apt Fear – necessary for growth
  • 7. Happy - Unhappy: Brain Chemistry
  • 8. Creative Collaboration – for collective growth

Suggested Methodology : The entire methodology is based on the Learning Ladder. It shall be a collective journey from Awareness to Wisdom!

  • Lecture and theory and conversations
  • Video clippings
  • Role Plays / Games
  • Group work, open sharing, participants’ presentations

Number of participants : Upto 25

Infrastructure Requirement :

  • LCD Projector
  • Audio & video presentations arrangements
  • Flip charts (15 to 20)
  • Flip chart holders
  • White board and markers

Suggested seating arrangement : Free moves. Tables to accommodate 6 to 7 people

Venue : Either at Client Site or External Venue

Key Learning objectives per module : Each module has some common learning objectives. They are towards application of the principles in the workplace.

  • Cite two examples demonstrating the interdependence of ‘self-trust’, ’self-discipline’, ‘relentless improvement’, ‘fear’, ‘collaboration’, ‘mindfulness’, and ‘brain chemistry’
  • List at least 1 area of practicing the learning (in personal as well as in organization context) with the action items by interactions with the buddy and the facilitator.
  • Develop a measurement method for progress check
  • Communicate the progress on the identified parameters of development openly & regularly

In addition to the above application orientation, the key learning objectives for each of the modules are mentioned below.

At the end of the module, the participants shall be able to :

Module 1: World of preferences – How am I?

  • Define the concept of preference
  • Express their preferences more easily
  • Appreciate and incline to understand others’ preferences in the group
  • Acknowledge the strengths of the preferences
  • Seek the help openly from each other
  • Increase the readiness for the subsequent modules.
Module 2: Trust on self! – Love yourself!
  • List & appreciate 3 connections of self-development to organization development
  • Appreciate that self-acceptance is the 1st stage in self-development with the help of
  • interactions and facilitator
  • Express the findings openly with the buddy identified during the session.
  • List the 4 cores of Self-trust necessary for development of self & others.
  • Present self with the help of 7 pictures openly without fear.

Module 3: Discipline for self! – Grow yourself!

  • List & appreciate 5 pillars of self-discipline
  • Cite examples for each of the 5 pillars from the life of self & that of the organization.
  • Experience the impact of absence of self-discipline on the organizational excellence
  • Experience the resistance of self in bringing self-discipline

Module 4:RelentlessImprovement! – like Jonathon Seagull

  • Define the term relentless improvement with the help of group discussions
  • Cite at least 2 examples of demonstration of relentless improvement from own life.
  • Experience the impact of absence of relentless improvement on the organizational excellence.

Module 5: Mindfulness – being @ now!

  • Create their own definition of the term ‘mindfulness’ with the group work.
  • List at least 5 advantages of being ‘mindful’ in the context of self & the team
  • List and practice at least 3 out of 7 actions of mindfulness.
  • Experience the power of each of the 5 senses – sight, smell, touch, hearing, & taste.
  • Experience the importance of ‘pause’ in any action at body, mind & intellect level.

Module 6 : Apt Fear – necessary for growth

  • Define the term fear while connecting to own experiences
  • List at least 2 after effects of fear with organizational & personal experiences.
  • Use 7 simple steps in dealing with fear.
  • Appreciate the concept of Amygdala Hijack and connect of 3 parts of brain.

Module 7 : Happy - Unhappy : Brain Chemistry

  • Create their own definition of the term happiness and unhappiness.
  • List 4 happy chemicals and 1 unhappy chemical
  • Identify at least 1 action necessary for each happy chemical
  • List at least 1 advantage and disadvantage for all the 5 chemicals.

Module 8: Creative Collaboration – for collective growth

  • Accept that the moments of non-collaboration are the opportunities of building more cohesive relation.
  • Identify causes for weakening the bonding
  • List and practice 4 components of collaboration
  • Use non-argumentative discussions during team meetings.



Duration Duration : 180 mins for each session
Businesses, whether large or small, are starting to recognize the importance of empowering their staff in order to bring about better results. In today’s target driven world, the results that your business gets can make or break you and the future you have planned.

Process Groups Addressed :

tick All
untick Initiating
untick Planning
untick Executing
untick Monitoring & Controlling
untick Closing

Knowledge Areas Addressed :

tick All
untick Stakeholder Management
untick Communication Management
untick Procurement Management
untick Time Management
untick Cost Management
untick Quality Management
untick Human Resources Management
untick Risk Management
untick Integration Management
untick Scope Management